Food Procurement
Learning Network
Funding Body: Rockefeller Foundation
Team: Prof. Maura Shea (Lab Co-Director), Vishnu Raviprasad (Lead Designer)
Timeline: December 2023 - November 2024
We are developing a facilitated knowledge sharing and learning network of local government officials charged with implementing good food procurement strategies for their institutions and public agencies.
The Values-Based Food Procurement Learning Network will support peer learning and knowledge exchange between local government officials with the goal of promoting and expanding values-based local food procurement commitments and implementation by government officials. The Network will also aim to:
Support government officials in their local, state and national policy efforts to develop legislation.
Increase visibility and momentum for values-based food procurement programs through a coordinated marketing and media campaign.
Update and revise existing informational resources on the implementation of good food procurement practices
Develop networking opportunities and knowledge exchange among good food institutional procurement leaders
We aim to research, design and prototype the network extensively before taking on the responsibility of identifying the host organization to run the network.